第四篇與路殺社合作的文章刊登了,發表在《Environmental Education Research》!
第四篇與路殺社合作的文章刊登了,這次刊登在環境教育的聖經《Environmental Education Research》!
還記得在2018年時,這個期刊的主編Alan Reid曾經在環境教育研討會時來臺灣,當時我就曾在主編面前報告我的研究。當時主編給我的勉勵:「一般環境教育研究都很避諱屍體、死亡或是負面訊息,但我們把這個負面訊息變成正向力量,讓大家瞭解環境的狀況,這是很好的案例。」(如圖,辮子是黑歷史不要問)
1. Hsu, C. H., Lin, T. E., Fang, W. T. (2018). Taiwan Roadkill Observation Network: An example of a community of practice contributing to Taiwanese environmental literacy for sustainability. Sustainability, 10(10), 3610.
2. Hsu, C. H., & Lin, T. E. (2021). Exploring the participation motivations of ongoing and former citizen scientists in Taiwan Roadkill Observation Network. Journal for Nature Conservation, 64, 126055.
3. Hsu, C. H., & Lin, T. E. (2021). A Preliminary Study on Participants' Attitudes and Behavioral Intentions towards Collecting Corpse Specimens in the Time of COVID-19 Pandemic: Cases from the Taiwan Roadkill Observation Network. Journal of Environmental Education Research 17(1), 129-157. (In Chinese)
4. Hsu, C. H., & Lin, T. E. (2023). What people learn from death: exploring citizen scientists' learning outcomes in Taiwan Roadkill Observation Network from an environmental education perspective. Environmental Education Research 1-15. doi:10.1080/13504622.2023.2191906.
We are thankful to Wei-Ta Fang, Shiang-Yao Liu, Yi-Ju Yang, Ruey-Shing Lin, and Dau-Jye Lu for their helpful comments on this study. We appreciate Chi-Chang Liu for his negative criticism which we could have the motivation to write this paper. We are also grateful to the respondents and interviewees, as well as all the members of TaiRON, for their contribution to data collection for better roadkill reduction. Furthermore, we thank the editor and reviewer for their useful feedback. This research was funded by the Ministry of Science and Technology (National Science and Technology Council), Taiwan, and the projects were written by Hsu.